Digital Goggles LLC - Digital Marketing and SEO Agency

Digital Marketing

Google Ads (Google Ads) is an online advertising platform that allows you to advertise on Google search results and other Google-owned platforms such as YouTube. You can use Google Ads to promote your business and brand, increase product sales, and make your services more accessible. You can choose your target audience according to interests, location, age range, language and many other criteria, thanks to the ads you will make through Google Ads. Thus, your ads will be shown to users who meet the criteria you set.

Google Ads Ad Management
With Google Ads, you can determine your marketing strategy with many different advertising models to grow your business and increase your brand awareness.

Determining your advertising strategy and ad campaign management in line with your marketing goal can be a very delicate and difficult process. This is because many factors such as determining the right ad campaign, a/b testing, target audience determination and increasing conversion rates are included in the Google Ads Ad Management process. It is very important to master such processes in order to organize a successful advertising campaign.

Get Advertising Consulting!
Get Google Adwords advertising consultancy service from the Digital Goggles expert team, pay lower costs while increasing the conversion rates of your ads! Contact us now.

Google Ads Ad Types
Google Ads offers users the option to run many ad campaigns. That's why it's very important to choose the right campaign type for your marketing goal and strategy. Each type of ad on Google Ads has different advantages. That's why you need to run your marketing strategy with the type of ad that best fits your ad campaign's goal. In order to organize the Google Ads campaigns that are most suitable for the target of your marketing strategy and to successfully perform Google Ads Management, it is necessary to have detailed information about these ad types.

Search Ads
With Google Ads search ads, potential customers see the product and service ads you provide during their search on the words you specify. You can advertise in many places within the Google Search network. Within search network sites, ads appear at the top and bottom of Google Search organic results pages. At the same time, many tools such as Google Play, Google Maps and Google Images are covered by the Google Search Network. In this way, you can place your ads in many different areas and you can reach more people with search ads.

Display Ads
Display ads are available on most websites as small boxes at the side of the page or in banners in videos. Thanks to the Display Network, your ads will appear on millions of websites included in this network. Thus, visitors to the sites on the Display Network will display the ads you will give.

Thanks to the Google Display Network audience targeting feature, your ads will only be shown to target audiences that meet the criteria you set. With the audience targeting feature, you can also select demographics such as affinity, age, and gender, and your ads will only be shown to users within your target audience.