Digital Goggles LLC - Digital Marketing and SEO Agency

On-site SEO Service

Internal SEO or On-Page SEO; They are search engine optimization (SEO) services that are carried out in the internal structures of websites. In particular, it contains technical details that are of great importance in terms of ranking factors in the site. By optimizing these criteria, which will be examined in the on-page SEO sub-field, it is aimed that the websites will be completely suitable for search engines with their own internal structures and thus achieve better rankings.

As a result of the optimization processes to be carried out on the site, the organic traffic amounts of the websites will be maximized, and thus page authorities will gain added value. As a result of this added value created, websites will gain ranking improvements and will be able to reach the targeted success more easily.

How To Do On-Page SEO?
Internal SEO work is a work that contains different and important details in itself. It should be carried out by SEO experts, keeping in mind that these criteria will directly affect the whole of SEO studies and may affect the rankings.

It may be possible to evaluate our on-site SEO works in 6 sub-areas;

  • Content production and optimization
  • Title and Description optimization
  • Visual Optimization
  • Optimization of internal link structure
  • Technical SEO 

Keyword Optimization
Keywords and their usage areas are of vital importance for SEO studies. It is necessary to identify target words and create different semantic keywords. In this context, target word selection is at a critical point in order to analyze keyword difficulties and plan studies in this way. The usage areas of the target words determined as a result of the analyzes should be well determined and included in SEO studies.

Content production and optimization
Content is vital for websites. Considering that a large part of search engine users search for information, this importance will become even more evident. For this reason, it is necessary to ensure that web pages produce quality content and to design the content in an SEO-compatible manner. In particular, making original content controls, identifying content sources that will make a difference, and making old content SEO compatible will bring a rapid rise to the whole of the studies.

Title and Description optimization
They are elements that give direct information about your pages. Especially considering that they provide information about pages to both users and search engine bots, their importance becomes even more evident. For this reason, it is imperative that the title and meta descriptions be designed in accordance with SEO, recreated if necessary, and if there are errors, they should be detected and eliminated.

Visual Optimization
Your images on your web pages are of great importance in terms of both presenting an interesting view to your users and adding value to your content. However, as with every detail in the web pages, the images should be optimized and included in the pages in an SEO-compatible manner. In order not to adversely affect the speed of the site, it will be necessary to minimize their size and use microformats. In addition, the images should be enriched with the use of alternative texts.

Optimization of internal link structure
Your internal links on the site; It is in an important position for improving user experiences and for search engine crawling bots to analyze your site in a more qualified way. It will be necessary to carry out studies in order to ensure that the anchor texts used in the internal link structure are suitable for SEO studies, to provide link exits where necessary and to avoid orphan page errors. In order to have a content network with relevant content, internal link optimization studies should not be disrupted.

Technical SEO
Technical SEO studies can be included in On-Site SEO studies, or they can be examined as a completely separate field. Technical SEO; Especially as a result of optimization studies to be carried out in the internal structure and background of the site, it can directly affect the whole of SEO studies. Since these works will be carried out in the internal structure of the site, it is possible to include them in internal SEO services. With the technical SEO details being taken care of, the internal structure will become perfect and the SEO processes of the websites will gain high benefits.