Digital Goggles LLC - Digital Marketing and SEO Agency

SEO Consulting

SEO consulting; It is a consultancy service carried out to ensure that websites get better rankings and traffic in search engines. It includes the processes of analyzing, planning and mentoring all steps to be taken in line with the goals of the websites by a professional team.

Thanks to this consultancy service, which aims to make websites more visible on Google, Yandex and similar search engines and reach their audience more easily, the goals will be achieved. Search engine optimization consultancy services are among the services that should be carried out by an expert and professional team.

Necessity and Advantages of SEO Consulting Service
Search engines have great competition for every industry. Websites that stand out from this competition and succeed in increasing their visibility will be able to reach their target audience. In order to achieve such a high level of success, it will be necessary to carry out a sustainable and professional work. Thanks to the SEO consultancy service, optimization experts offer solutions to all the needs of websites.

The services to be provided during the consultancy aim to make the websites suitable for search engine criteria. These criteria are basically criteria that aim to provide better service for search engines to users. Websites that will fulfill these requirements, which are a kind of quality standards, are rewarded and have a more accessible ranking to their target audiences. These standards, which are dominated by SEO consultants, are offered to website owners within the framework of consultancy services, ensuring that they gain deserved rankings.

How Does the SEO Consulting Process Work?
We have a roadmap prepared by our professional analysts and SEO experts for our business partners who have decided to benefit from Dopinger consultancy services and achieve their goals. Our professional SEO service works as follows;

Detecting Errors
It is the process for detecting the errors already hosted by the websites. Analysis tools approved by professionals and authorities are used. The analyzes will be reported under the control of SEO analysts.

Content Suggestions
The way to make a website different for users is to ensure that it produces quality content. Studies will be carried out in order to produce SEO-compatible content, to create the appropriate keyword pool and to reveal the most up-to-date content.

UI/UX Suggestions
In order to increase the user experience and create a more responsive design, our expert designers take your website into review. As a result of this review, reports will be prepared in order to reveal and improve the design steps.

Site Speed ​​Analysis and Solutions
Factors affecting site speeds are determined. In order to eliminate these negativities, a road map is determined and presented to you. In this way, your user experience is improved and you can add value to your website acceleration efforts.

Developing Keywords
It is the process of strengthening the keywords required to reach the targets, identifying new target words and expanding the long-tail keyword pool. Thanks to these processes, it is aimed to respond to many search queries and ensure rankings.

24/7 Live Support
As, we provide live support service to our customers in all SEO processes. In this way, continuous communication is provided about the studies carried out and the reactions given to the suggestions, and the efficiency of the studies is increased.