Digital Goggles LLC - Digital Marketing and SEO Agency

SEO Service

SEO service; It is a professional optimization service provided for websites to rank first in search engines and to reach their target audiences. With the service to be provided by SEO experts, obstacles to the optimization of websites are identified and optimizations are carried out within the framework of these analyzes on site and off-site resources.

How Much Is SEO Service?
SEO service is divided into three groups as on-page SEO, off-page SEO and technical SEO. SEO details vary for on-page SEO, off-page SEO, and technical SEO. On-site SEO; These are the studies carried out to improve the user experience, covering all elements from the written and visual content on your website to the technical infrastructure of your site. Keywords, titles, images, URL structure, alt texts and internal links; These are the elements that are aimed to be improved within the scope of on-site SEO work.

Off-page SEO, on the other hand, is the work carried out in the background to increase the authority of your website. Backlinks from other sites, social media promotions and content marketing are included in off-site SEO work. Technical SEO ensures that your website has the necessary technical competencies in order to attract organic traffic in line with the operation of search engines. Elements such as XML sitemap, structured data, site speed, mobile compatibility and SSL setup are the content of technical SEO studies.